Virtual Weevil and Video Bridge Featured in A.P. Article

I haven’t posted much about my new position at the Museum these past few months (which I hope to rectify soon) but this lovely A.P. piece, “5 Ways Museums Are Using Technology for New Experiences,” focuses on a number of museums and includes many examples from AMNH. Two projects with which I’m involved were mentioned:

At a recent special event at the American Museum of Natural History, young visitors tested out virtual reality goggles that “shrank” them to the size of a beetle for a close-up view of the weevil’s anatomy.


“Telepresence robots” — screens mounted on two long poles on wheels — use videoconferencing technology similar to Skype to connect visitors to expert information not quite available from a tour guide.

The American Museum of Natural History tried it out recently at a special event inside its Northwest Coast Indians Hall to beam an indigenous member of the remote Haida Gwaii community into the museum to talk with visitors.

Note: The telepresence robot project, which we call Video Bridge, is done in collaboration with the Haida Gwaii Museum, and is offered the first Saturday of every month.

About Barry

Innovating solutions for learning in a digital age.
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