Please help my DML2013 Ignite Talk on Badges

On March 14, I will be presenting in Chicago at the Digital Media and Learning Conference. And I am thrilled. But I can’t do it without your help!

This is no regular presentation. I have 5 minutes and twenty slides to make my point – and each slide is automatically timed at 15 seconds. Based on something I organized a year ago, I will be reading a children’s book, Franklin Wants a Badge. The story has nothing directly to do with digital badges, yet it does a fantastic job of encapsulating so many of the fears and concerns people feel or raise about this important recent exploration in learning.

On one level, there is the story. But the more interesting level is the analysis of the story and what it highlights about what makes digital badging systems so powerful.

The thing is, I am going to be SO busy reading the story I can’t post any commentary. And THAT is where you come in.

During the reading I will be directing attention to the Twitterfall at the side of the stage. I invite you to join the live story critique by preparing at least one tweet in advance. But how?

1) Go to my reading of the story.

2) Pick a page.

3) Compose a tweet and practice posting it alongside the story.

4) Have a nice break and then get to Chicago.

5) When you see the same slide appear on the screen, you’re on! Tweet it!

That’s really it. Just five easy steps. I can’t wait to hear what you have to share.

(Oh, and if you want me to be less stressed, let me know in the comments below that I should watch for your tweet during the talk. And thanks!)



About Barry

Innovating solutions for learning in a digital age.
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