The MicroRangers Final Presentation

In June, the MicroMuseum program ended with a successful culminating event, with over 70 people in attendance!

Once the audience arrived and got settled, the MicroRanger MCs started their presentation, they introduced the other MicroRangers, some of the topics covered over the course of the program and, of course, the MicroRangers game. The room was then divided in half.

One group stayed put to hear about all of the work the students did over the course of the program, including swabbing different locations across the museum for bacteria, and all of the work that went into designing the game itself. The other group went out into the Hall to test the prototype with several MicroRangers to serve as guides. The groups switched to make sure everyone had the chance to experience the prototype, and then the critique and Q&A sessions took place.

You can watch the students’ presentation of all of the work they did in addition to the critique and Q&A sessions in the video below.

This second video captures the testing of the prototype in the Halls.

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